Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Definition of Leadership

Leadership has many different meanings. It can be something as big as being a leader of a country, or as small as facilitating a group project for a class. I think far too many people are intimidated by the thought of being a "leader" because of the general idea that to be a leader you have to be outgoing, extremely smart, and a big people person. I know that's how I always thought of leaders when I was younger. However, to be a leader, all you need is determination and the ability to inspire others. There have been many people that I have met in my life who may not be the best looking, articulate or outgoing people in the world, but they have the ability to inspire others through their actions, big or small.

Everyone can be a leader, whether it be in their family, community, or a much larger venue. There are leaders needed in every aspect of life and anyone who has the drive to do so can be one.

Before writing this and while preparing for the leadership presentation, I decided to google "leadership qualities". After looking through several pages of lists of what qualities leaders posses, I saw a common theme. Almost all the websites said that leaders care about others, have confidence in their decisions, have integrity, and set an example. I believe anyone can accomplish those tasks, but it does take practice.

I'll admit, I can be a rather timid person. After working very hard to come out of my shell, I have started to possess more qualities that enable me to be a leader over the years. I am grateful for the callings I have received within Church that have allowed me to develop the qualities I know that I have which help me to be a leader. The opportunity that I have to work with the BYU/SA blog has been a wonderful experience thus far and I look forward to see how it turns out over the next semester.

All members of this Church were foreordained to be leaders, in my opinion. We are supposed to be an example in our families, communities, and countries. The Lord will provide us with opportunities to be leaders and set an example if we are willing servants. We are a powerful people with so much potential, whether we realize it or not.


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