Friday, March 5, 2010

Balance and Time Management

For a long time, I have struggled with procrastination. I am a huge procrastinator. Ever since I was in elementary school, I would always put of projects until the last minute, and I would stay up all night finishing the project. It always worked for me, and I still did well, but it wasn't the most efficient way to do things. When I started college, I vowed to break my procrastination problems. However, I'm pretty sure it has just gotten worse. I never write papers until the day (or few hours) before they are due. For some reason I struggle with getting motivated until it's the very last second. However, I always get everything done that I need to. Like I previously said, it's not the most efficient thing in the world, but it works for me.

Despite my procrastination, I feel like I do manage my time well. Yes, I could start projects earlier, and go to bed earlier, but I'm happy with the way my life runs. I have so many friends that either are constantly doing homework, or constantly partying, and none of them ever seem completely satisfied. However, I have found a good balance between homework and play. I truly believe that if you don't allow yourself to relax every now and then, things are a lot harder, as well if all you do is party and forget the priorities in life. We talked about in class the "Rock/Sand" analogy. Although it is sometimes hard to know exactly where certain priorities fall, I know that when you put the big things first, everything else will fall together perfectly. I have found that when I take 2 hours out of my day to attend the temple every Saturday, rather than do other things, whether it be hanging out with friends or even doing homework, everything works out better. If you put your priorities in line, it becomes easier to let the "sand" filtrate into our lives, without pushing out the rocks.


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